종교학과 Christian Ministry and Theology
본 종교학과는 ACAS와 함께 이 시대에 올바른 신학과 신앙을 세우기 위해 한국인들을 대상으로 신설된 과정입니다. 종교학과의 교수진은 한국과 호주에서 정식으로 인정받은 종교 관련 석사와 박사들로 구성되어 있습니다. 높은 수준과 차별화된 수업을 통해 열려있는 종교 세계를 만나게 될 것입니다.
These two theology courses have been established to build Christian culture and beliefs for the present era, and are intended for Korean students. You will get to meet the Christian world through high quality, differentiated classes.
Trainers of theology courses are masters and doctors in theology with qualifications legally authorized in Korea and Australia.
The courses are offered over one year for full-time students, and can be taken in a classroom setting in our Belmont site, or by distance education.
경영학과 Leadership and Management
The course in leadership management is designed as a pathway course for students who wish to continue to university, and is applicable applicable for community.
기초복지학과 Individual Support
노인복지학과 Aged Care
지역사회학과 Community Service
The health industry, including community and aged care, is among the largest and fastest growing industries in Australia. Workers with nationally recognised qualifications in health and community services training are in high demand.
According to the Australian Government Website www.joboutlook.gov.au, the job prospects for aged care, community care and disability care workers are very good. Employment in this area is expected to grow very strongly in the next decade.
By 2019, there will be more than 5,000 aged care facilities across Australia. By 2019, 21% of the Australian population will be in the Aged Care Facilities. By 2050, nearly one quarter of Australians will be over 65, compared with 13 per cent today.
Kings College offers specialist training in the areas of Aged Care, Home and Community Care.
Kings College's trainers and assessors are highly qualified in their field, with a wealth of industry knowledge and experience. Our trainers have a specialised interest in education and a passion to help students achieve their career goals. Over 90% of our graduates get employment after completion of workplace training.
All healthcare courses at Kings College offer a hands-on learning experience in well-equipped facilities in West Ryde educational precinct. These courses can also provide the ideal pathway to further study at university. Students can commence their Bachelor of Nursing Degree program after completion of IV in Ageing Support and / or Diploma of Community Services (Case Management) and closer to become a registered nurse.
There has never been a better time than NOW to begin working in the healthcare and community services industry!
The course is offered over one year for full-time students each course and can be taken in a classroom setting in our site, or by distance education.
Students also do a practicum in Community and . Kings College requires 120 hours of practicum for each qualification, which students may do in their own Society
Extra support
Students needing extra support or help for their studies should contact the Principal. Students may get extra coaching, for which no fee is payable.
About ACAS
These qualifications are issued by the Australian Centre for Advanced Studies (RTO 50392) ACAS is required to comply with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015. See the ACAS website for more information, including:
complaints and appeals processes.
students consumer rights, including the ACAS refund policy
other policies relevant to students
ACAS Web site : www.acas.edu.au
한국어로도 가능합니다. Available in Korean.